Supporting child protection social workers in South Africa
The Cave is your safe space to reflect and learn

Recent precious stones
In their own words: Kisthardt, M. (2006-2007). Working in the Best Interest of Children: Facilitating the Collaboration of Lawyers and Social Workers in Abuse and Neglect Cases. Rutgers Law Record, 30, 1-77

Ethical Professional Writing in Social Work and Human Service

In their own words: Young people’s vulnerabilities to being groomed and sexually abused online

Recent bonfire articles
Dr Sufran Smith: “recanting” in child sexual abuse cases, and normal vs. abnormal sexual behaviour among children

Ms Helena Burke: Talks about the sections in the Children’s Act (38/2005), evidence and consent issues when talking to children

Conversation with Ms Sanet Viljoen: the Evaluation, the Conclusion and Recommendation of a court reports

Recent bat memes
'Catching your client buying booze!'
'Your honour, I actually know a lot about the case...I am the case manager after all..'
Explore our themes
Report writing
Good report writing is central to deliver effective child protection services in South Africa.
The legal playground
The legal playground child protection social workers enter when they protect children.
Signs of abuse in children
As CPSWs you need to know and identify signs of abuse or neglect.
Impact of abuse on children
We talk to experts about abuse impacts children and we explore evidence based studies that focus on the effects on children when maltreated.